Repairs Administration Services
In addition to our regular spares marketing business, we provide repairs administration services. Our repair management program consists of a well-organized team that produces the most effective and reliable service for our customer’s repairs. We work very close with the OEM’s and the most prestigious FAA approved repair stations to provide an end product with excellent workmanship and quality in a timely a manner.
Our agreements with these companies have helped to reduce the cost of our customer’s repairs due to substantial labor rate reductions results of bulk hourly lots packages negotiated with the repair stations. It was also negotiated the benefit of providing the spares and not charge our customers with premium fees for the spares associated with the repairs. In these cases, we procure and provide the material needed for said repair, to reduce the materials cost, giving the benefit of a significant reduction of the total repair.
We are working with these organizations to increase the standard quality of 12 months/500 hours, whichever comes first, to 18 months/800 hours. Being strategically located in Miami, Florida, where probably 75% of the FAA approved repair stations have their facilities, give us the opportunity to interact with them in order to do a much tighter follow up and a faster delivery.